Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday...week half over!!

The last couple of days have gone by so quickly! Yesterday, I got to go into Warsaw to visit a church there. There are only 2 Christian churches in Warsaw....1 is 70 yrs old and they stared another church 7 yrs ago. The new church is the one we visited. They started with 70 people, and are now running 450-500! They believe it is a true miracle!! Unheared of in Poland! Their joy & excitement in the Lord was refreshing to be around! They truly love God & know that He is in their country, even tho there are so few Christians here. It was surreal to look around at the people and know that many of them are 1st generation Christians! That is hard for us to fathom! But their faith was challenging to make my fresh again!
The choir is going very well. I've had private "voice" lessons with man of the girls...whoever wanted them. That's where I've gotten to know them better. They love Jesus so much! We are now not singing the Polish song...we just ran out of time. So, we've added another English arrangement of Amazing Grace.
Tonight is their BIG evangelistic service! They preach salvation really strongly on Wed night & often will have about 40-50 decisions made for Christ! I look forward to it very much. They asked me to sing special music. I brought an arrangement of "Just As I Am"...I think that was a God thing.
Today, I walked about 3/4 of a mile into the village. We went to the little grocery store for water, fruit, and got some sausages...YUMMY! They don't eat much fruit or veggies, so we've all been craving them. The store was only about 10x16....but completely FULL!!! Very quaint! It is so fun seeing how they live their lives.
I've got to run....will try to write more tonight!

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